The Hope Diamond Necklace

A heritage in Bloom Necklace

L'Incomparable Diamond Neckpiece of 2013

18th-Century Natural Pearl and Diamond Pendant

The Art of Grisogono Neckpiece

Hutton Mdivani Jade Cartier Neckpiece

La Perergrina by Cartier

Briolette Diamond Necklace

Sapphire and Diamond Necklace (The Blue Belle of Asia)

An Outstanding Ruby and Diamond Necklace by Etcetera

A Brilliant Emerald and Diamond Necklace by Cartier

Remarkable Diamond Fringe Necklace, By Harry Winston

Le Jardin D'Isabelle Clear and Colored Diamond Necklace by Boehmer Et Bassenge

Taj Mahal Ruby and Gold Chain Diamond, by Cartier

An Outstanding Ruby and Diamond Necklace, By Faidee

Emerald, Diamond Palmette Necklace by Edmond Chin

A Sapphire Diamond String by Bulgari

The Imperial Emerald of the Grand Duchess Vladimir of Russia Necklace

Magnificent Diamond and Emerald Necklace by VAN CLEEF & ARPELS

Emerald Diamond String, BY CARTIER

An Antique Diamond Necklace

Natural Pearl and Diamond Necklace of Queen Marie Antoinette

Emerald and Diamond Necklace by Harry Winston

The Red Emperor Necklace of 2014


The Apollo and Artemis Diamonds

Mirror De L'amour a sensational Pair of Diamond Earrings, by Boehmer Et Bassenge 2017

The Oriental Sunrise Diamond Earrings

The Imperial Cushions Diamond Ear Pendants

Diamond Drop Earrings by Harry Winston

Pair of Emerald and Diamond Earrings

Rare Clear and Colored Diamond Earrings

Pearl, Emerald and Diamond Earrings

Superb Diamond Earrings by Harry Winston

Emerald and Diamond Earrings by BVLGARI

Extraordinary Diamond Earrings

Rare Pair of Diamond and Emerald Earrings

Wittels Bach-Graff- Diamond

Pink Star Diamond Ring

Oppenheimer Blue Ring of 2016

The sunrise Ruby 2015

The Cullinan Dream: A colored Diamond Ring

The Winston Blue Diamond Ring

Fancy Intense Pink Diamond Ring

Fancy Vivid Pink Colored Diamond Ring

Colored Diamond Ring, BULGARI

Splendid Impressive Deep Pink Diamond Ring

The Graff Vivid Yellow

The Jubilee Ruby Ring

An Excellent Clear and Colored Diamond Ring by MOUSSAIEFF

The Ocean Dream Ring

The Elizabeth Taylor Diamond Ring

Famous Fancy Light Pink Diamond Ring

Mirror of Paradise Diamond Ring

The Rockefeller Emerald Diamond Ring by Raymond Yard

Ruby Diamond Ring by VAN CLEEF & ARPELS

A Colored Diamond Ring

An Emerald and Clear Diamond Ring by Bulgari

Fabulous Diamond Ring

Impressive Vivid Yellow Diamond Ring

Gulf Pearl Parure Bracelet Set

Wallis Simpson Cartier Panther Bracelet

Jadeite Guifei Bangle

Emerald Bracelet by Bulgari

Tutti Frutti Bracelet by CARTIER

Striking Diamond Bracelet by GÉRARD

Pair of Diamond by JAR

The circle of heaven

The circle of Prosperity

Highly Important Jadeite Bangle

Impressive Twins

Rare Pair of Jadeite Bangles

Exceptional Jadeite and Diamond Ring

Barbara Hutton's Jadeite Bangle

Jadeite and Diamond Necklace

The Baroda Pearl Necklace (2007)

Rare Natural Pearl and Diamond Necklace, Earring Set by Cartier

A Rare Natural Colored Pearl and Diamond Necklace

The 7-Strand "Festoon" Natural White Pearl Necklace

The Dodge Pearl Necklace by Cartier

Natural Pearl and Clear Diamond Earrings by BVLGARI

A Natural Pearl Necklace

Natural Pearl String

A Belle Époque Diamond Devant De-corsage Brooch by Cartier

The Camellia Brooch by JAR

An Emerald and Diamond Pendant Brooch BVLGARI

Colored Diamond, Ruby, Cultured Pearl Brooch

An Emerald and Diamond Flower Brooch by Bulgari

The Catherine the Greta Emerald Brooch

An Art Deco Emerald, Diamond and Enamel Brooch by Cartier

The Prince of Wales Diamond Brooch

The night for the Iguana Brooch by Jean Schlumberger

The Burton Diamond Brooch by VAN CLEEF & ARPELS

The Mike Todd Diamond Tiara

Rare Aquamarine and Diamond Tiara by FABERGÉ