50. Kylo Ren

49. Magneto

48. Elle Driver

47. Bill

46. Norman Stansfield

45. Anton Chigurh

44. Jack Torrance

43. Tommy DeVito

42. Biff Tannen

41. Hans Gruber

40. Lord Voldemort

39. Keyser Söze

38. Xenomorph

37. King Edward I

36. Hector Barbossa

35. T-1000

34. Frank Costello

33. Amon Goeth

32. Terminator

31. Thanos

30. Boba Fett

29. Grand Moff Tarkin

28. Scar

27. Jabba the Hutt

26. Calvin Candie

25. Commodus

24. Scarecrow

23. Hans Landa

22. John Doe

21. Talia al Ghul

20. Catwoman

19. Michael Corleone

18. Palpatine

17. Balrog

16. Vito Corleone

15. Ra's al Ghul

14. Witch-king of Angmar

13. Loki

12. Saruman

11. Vincent Vega

10. Gollum

9. Agent Smith

8. Tyler Durden

7. Bane

6. Sauron

5. Hannibal Lecter

4. Warden Norton

3. Two-Face

2. Joker

1. Darth Vader