Mountain Pose

Palm Tree Pose (Upward Salute)

Standing Forward Bend (Fold)

Half Standing Forward Bend

High Lunge

Chair Pose

Triangle Pose

Extended Side Angle Pose

Staff Pose

Easy Pose

Bound Ankle / Cobbler’s Pose

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Table Pose (Table Top Pose)

Cat Pose

Cow Pose

Balancing Table Pose (Balancing Table Top Pose)

Reverse Table Top Pose

Sphinx Pose

Cobra Pose

Big Toe Pose

Child’s Pose

One-Legged Boat Pose

Dolphin Pose

Bridge Pose

Garland Pose (Frog Squat Pose)

Downward-facing Dog

Plank Pose


Upward-facing Dog

Side Plank Pose

Wild Thing

Half Frog Pose

Frog Pose

Marichi’s Pose I

Marichi’s Pose III

Twisted Marichi’s Pose III

Warrior I Pose

Twisted Warrior Pose / Side Angle Pose With Praying Hands

Twisted Triangle Pose

Bound Twisted Side Angle Pose

Monkey Pose

Warrior II Pose

Warrior III Pose

Reverse Warrior Pose

Hero Pose

Reclining Hero Pose

Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

Heron Pose

Bow Pose

Upward Bow or Wheel Pose

Lizard Pose

Pigeon Pose

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose

Tree pose

Eagle Pose

Head To Knee Pose

Lord of the Dance Pose

Twist Chair Pose

Yoga Rabbit Pose

Half Lotus Pose

Lotus Pose

Scale Pose

Crow Pose

Crane Pose

Side Crow Pose

Half Boat Pose

Full Boat Pose

Fish Pose

Supported Headstand Pose

Supported Shoulder Stand

Plow Pose

Ear Pressure Pose/ Knee-to-Ear Pose

Half-Moon Pose

Compass Pose

Twisted Head-to-Knee Pose

Standing Split Pose

Archer Pose

Yoga Handstand Pose

Camel Pose

Elephant Trunk Pose

Feathered Peacock Pose (Forearm Stand)

Scorpion Pose

Firefly Pose

Bird of Paradise Pose

Peacock Pose

One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II

Little Thunderbolt Pose

King Pigeon Pose

Sage Koundiya I Pose

Sage Koundiya II Pose

One-Legged Crane Pose

Flying Crow Pose

Upward-facing Two-Footed Staff Pose

Bharadvaja’s Twist

Eight Angle Pose

Sage Half Bound Lotus Pose

Shoulder Pressing Pose

Skull Shining Breath