Account Executive & Consultant $76,024
Aerospace Engineer $81,994
Agricultural Consultants $65,000
Audiologists & Speech-Language Pathologist $83,325
Avionics Mechanic $79,997
Banking & Credit Manager $94,931
Biologist $74,880
Business Executive $110,406
Business Services Manager $72,800
Chemical Engineer $79,997
College Instructor $78,894
Computer Engineer $90,002
Computer Systems Manager $104,000
Conservation Officers $67,642
Construction Inspector $67,995
Construction Manager $83,200
Database Analyst $70,990
Deck officer (water transport) $70,720
Dental Hygienist $72,800
Dentist $93,600
Dietician $76,960
Economic Development Director $102,398
Economist & Policy Researcher $91,000
Electrical & Telecommunications Contractor $79,040
Electronics Engineer $90,002
Elementary School & Kindergarten Teacher $78,000
Elevator Mechanic $81,120
Engineering Manager $105,997
Financial Auditor $64,522
Financial Manager $95,992
Firefighter $83,325
Forest Products Processing Supervisor $64,002
Geoscientist $93,600
Government Program Officers $87,006
Head Nurse & Medical Supervisor $83,200
Health & Community Service Manager $109,866
Health & Occupation Inspector $75,920
Health Care Manager $94,994
Health Policy Professionals $76,794
Heavy Construction Equipment Supervisor $68,640
Human Resources Manager $93,725
Human Resources Professional $74,506
Industrial Technician $80,912
Information Systems Analyst $79,997
Laboratory Technologists $72,446
Laywer $93,330
Locomotive Engineer $78,000
Longshore Worker $73,590
Machining & Ironworking Contractors and Supervisors $69,992
Managers in the Arts $64,002
Manufacturing Manager $82,659
Marketing & Public Relations Manager $82,285
Mechanical & Metal Parts Manufacturing Supervisors $60,008
Mechanical Engineer $81,494
Mechanical Engineering Technologist/Technician $65,520
Mining & Quarrying Supervisor $83,200
Mining Engineers $98,405
Natural Resources Policy Analyst $82,992
Non-Destructive Tester/Inspection Technician $73,840
Nurse Practitioner $104,000
Occupational Therapist $82,098
Oil & Gas Drilling Supervisor $85,280
Oil & Gas Well Operator $79,040
Oil Refinery Process Operator $83,200
Paramedic $68,640
Petroleum & Chemical Process Engineer $115,565
Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing Supervisor $66,560
Pharmacist $104,000
Physiotherapist $79,040
Pilot & Flying Instructor $80,725
Pipefitting supervisor $81,120
Police Officer $87,859
Post-Secondary School Administrator $100,006
Power Line & Cable Worker $79,997
Power Plant Operator $72,800
Power Systems Electricians $85,758
Probation & Parole Officer $80,226
Psychologist $83,200
Public Administration Director $109,533
Railway Conductors & Brakemen/Brakewomen $69,992
Real Estate & Financial Manager $97,136
Refrigerator/Air Conditioner Mechanic $66,040
Registered Nurse $78,208
Respiratory therapist $72,696
Retail/Wholesale Trade Manager $67,995
School Career Counsellor $75,005
School Principal & Administator $100,006
Scientific Research Manager $102,003
Secondary School Teacher $85,717
Software Engineer $90,002
Specialized Engineer (Eg. Agricultural or Naval Engineer) $81,286
Statistician or Actuary $87,360
Tadiation Technologist $69,326
Telecommunication Manager $85,342
Transportation Manager $84,261
University Professor $95,992
Urban Planner $83,096
Utilities Manager $114,130
Veterinarian $86,674
Web Designers & Developers $60,008